Friday, July 1, 2011

A Story from Brunei (Episode 4)

Just back frm hanging out with my ofismate.a bit interested 2 share something 2 my beloved friend yg setia membaca n jotted down few comments untuk blog yang xseberapa lagi tak popular ini..isk isk isk..:(
Enjoy the story:-

  • This week is quite tough 4 us..many things happened without giving some hint 4 us to well prepared for any consequences.

  • Dalam keadaan yg tak menentu..we try to think positive as we can and do not bother of anything happened around us..but things is easy 2 say yet difficult 2 do..i just want 2 let it be..things happened for a reason. (rasa macam aku merepek xtentu pasal lah)

  • Okay, back 2 the topic..after bnyk sgt dramma dlm project ni, we all decided to hang out and blow out all the stresses which lately has bogged us down.
    Me and the gang had planned 2 go to the beach, It is known as Tutong Beach, situated nearby our home..enjoy this picture:-

Taraaaa!!!..nama sy Zalya..peace;)

cuba tengok langit tu..cantik kan..tenang je..isk isk

Control ayu..malu-malu kucing tahap gaban..hahaha..peace;)

Pahaku nampak besar di situ..mungkinkah teknik superimpose....auch!!

Mencari "awangku"...hihihi

  • Pantai ini memang bersih tp xdelah cantik mana pn..cuma bila bersih ia secara automatiknya akan nmpak cantik di mata..We'v been there around 5.30pm memang xramai orng pn..muda - mudi pn xde yg berpeleseran berasmara dana kt sini, which is totally different with Malaysia.Cakap pasal bersih ini, mcm mne ngan Isu BERSIH 2.0 tuh..yg kononnya nak mmberi keadilan pda sistem Pilihanraya Malaysia..n then nape perlu ade 2.0 instead of 2??? Hohoho..jgn igt guwa xtau psl Malaysia babe..Malaysia sentiasa di hati guwa ok..hehehe..(melalut-lalut xsudah).

  • There's one more thing u all should know tentang tempat nih adalah..beside the beach, there's a river which is sgt2 memukau mata yang memandang.. air memang jernih and bersih..tapi ingat "air yg jernih jangan disangka tiada buaya"..memang ada buaya!!..hehe..sorry sgt2 coz i forgot 2 capture the river's photo..Kiranya klo pegi sana ..we 'r in the middle of river and the nice ;) It's good 2 expose ur eyes with the nicest view..;)

  • Kat pantai ni juga, pihak pengurusan pantai ada menyediakan peralatan utk BBQ, kiranya klo nk hang out ngan kawan-kawan smpai malam smbil buat BBQ memang boleh sgt sbb It's free..xde charge langsung..tapi setakat nih memang me and the gang xpernah buat BBQ pn..hehehe

  • Hendak dipendekkan cerita , kitaorng memang all out habis msa kat pantai..hilang segala stress, pressure and keserabutan di hati..It was the best moment..How I wish to be there with all my best friend in Malaysia..It will be a great moment ever. :(

  • Last but not least, sori lah..bnyk exposed gambar I sorang-sorang instead of my friends..bukan apa..gmbr2 kawan2 tu nnt sy update untuk entry pasal kawan - kawan sekerja je ok..interested jugak nk jaja cerita n muka dioranng kat blog nih..lagipn dioarng bukannya tau pn I ade blog kecuali mamat perancis yg sorang tuh beria benar nk tgk blog aku..bukannya dia faham pn..ha ha ha ha ha...;)

Orait..that's all for today..I'll be back 2 update more exiting stories from Brunei;)



Friday, June 10, 2011

A Story From Brunei ( Episode 3)

Salam...hi there..

Apa kbr?..sihat2 je kan..Alhamdulillah...
Memang agak lama tak update blog..kadang2 bukan xde masa pn cuma bila ada msa terasa macam xde masa n bila xde masa terasa macam ada msa..huhuhu merepek merepek!!! Lagipn klo setakat 2 org followers je yg nak baca blog aku nih memang buat malu tahap gaban je kan.:(

Ok let's start pointing some stories :-

  • Actually, This few weeks I'm a bit tired, extremely stress n zealously blurred of what i'm running trough with..need some space 2 release all of this burden on my shoulder.

  • and this few days, aku suka sangat 'berkawan' dgn malas, ..SUCK!!!!

  • All the while bnyak benda yang berlaku..and It mixed with both bad n good things..good things happened ..Alhamdulillah..bad things...Subhanallah..

  • Sepajang aku kat Brunei almost 2 months..bnyk wedding ceremony kawan2 yang aku tak dapat nk attend..seriously, sometime it makes me totaly upset..i wanna b with them, I wanna laugh with them, i wanna take a photos with them, I wanna hug them, I wanna kiss them, I wanna ..I wanna ..I wanna alotS!!!

  • And sepanjang itu jugak..ramai kawan2 aku yg dah kahwin..sudah menerjah ke alam menjadi ibu mithali..auch!!!

  • What is next???

  • Who is next??

  • Banyak dugaan itu tandanya Allah sayangkan kita..tapi kadang2 dugaan yg xseberapa pn aku boleh hilang kesabaran..ayo..:(

  • Aku rasa macm bnyk merepek - merepek lah malam nih..psiko giler nk update blog nih..tiba- tiba idea hilang..tadi bkn main ligat bercambah - bercambah idea nk tulis kt blog nih..ayoyo...

  • igt nk upload gmbr tapi macam malas tahap cipan aku nih..SubhanaAllah ape nk jadi lah ngan aku..tulis belog macm nk jawab exam punya lah susah btul kot..senget!!!

  • Rasa macam xde mood nk citer story kat Brunei padahal bnyk kot aku nk habag nih..nantilah lain kali lah yer..bila mood baik punya..saya akan csambung balik..a story from Brunei... This entry si considered as entry BANGANG ok..wassalam

Aurevoir--> french's word..AHAKSS!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Story from Brunei (Episode 2)


apa kbr smua..;)
Ok this entry will b named as a Episode by episode..sbb mungkin bnyk cerita yg nk dikongsi eventhough tahap kemalasan mmg sgt-sgt melambung tinggi saat nih..but by hook or by crook i'v 2 update jugak ...this kind of laziness sumtimes make me totally sick..apelah susah sgt nk update blog yg xseberapa nih..huhuhu

okay..this time , actly i eager to talk bout my works but seems like this topic is not merely attracting me at all..i changed my mind 2 tell bout my life as i arrived in Brunei since 07/05/2011..

I arrived in Brunei 's Airport was around 3.35pm... 1st time of being apart frm my family, my friend and my Malaysia was a litle bit touching but it was also an excitement moment for the village girl like me;)
Our Project manager, Mr. Jose a philliphino guy drove me to the workplace and introduced us to all the staffs. A simple greeting ceremony but it was worth;)..alhamdulillah

My largest site , 127 hectares consist of 6 zones, 1500 units of semi-detached and terrace houses.

Ok, lepas "melepak - lepak" kt site office buat suai kenal ngan abang2 engineer(mcm smuanya bujang2) so kitaorng dibawa ke sebuah restoran untuk menjamu selera. But i didn't feel like 2 eat , wat was i think at that moment was 2 sleep!!!..and aku terasa mcm nk muntah lps pusing satu site yg kedabak besar 2..loya loya loya ank tekak..

Okay ak x nk ckp psl makanan sebab indah rupa dari rasa...:(. restoran memang exclusive n convenient cuma bab makanan ..uuu..ank tekak aku mmg xboleh jatuh cinta ngan makanan 2....Ya Allah, i did always whining bout food ..sigh.:( Lps makan so kitaorng dibawa ke tmpat penginapan..nak tgk cm mana rupa umah aku kan..enjoy this picture:-

Living Room - sepatutnya mmg ade sofa tp dh dihantr ke site office

Bilik beradu Beta- perfect!!!

Lagi perfect sbb bilik beradu beta ada....................

Air Cond....hihihi

Memang sgt puah hati lorrrr...;)

I started my was fun 2 b surrounded by those people who came from the others countries such as France, USA, Filiphina, and Malaysia as well. FYI, rakyat malaysia mmg boleh dikatakan agak ramai keje kt cni especially those who came frm Sarawak n Sabah. They were all nice and helpfull. 1st day keje mcm xkeje..alah 1st day je pn..sessi kenal mengenal blum hbs semangat keje mmg xde pn..semangat nk menggatal mmg menebal..hihihihi..okay2 jz kidding lah kwn2 oi;).

As I told u before there was alot of foreigners at this site hence, the english is much important 2 b understood and spoken for. Few of them can understand malay but most of them prefer 2 talk in english instead of malay. So neither happy or not...i hv 2 get used on it..;)

People do love 2 welcome us as a teamwork and at my 1st impression to be here and be as their part of teamwork is the luckiest moment for me..I neither expect it much but i try not 2 back off my step of this journey.

Pasal keje mmg aku mls sgt nk explain kt cni coz I neither care nor interested 2 tell the whole world wat kind of job i'v worked for, h0w much salary i'v earned, wat type of car I'v driven, even who's the guy i date with and how much love I devoted 2...jeng jeng jeng..sebut psl lelaki n cinta will wide up umie aida's eyes..hahaha

Don't worry my darling..i'm still looking for awangku..;)

Oraits, 4 the time being setakat ni je lah aku update sbb aku sgt MALASSSSSSSSS!!!!
Sorry my dear..walaupn bnyk cerita nk dikongsi tp bila kemalasan dh menguasai diri mmg tak terlawan rasanya...huhuhuh

Take Care n
Wassalam...jumpa lagi ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hati Menangis Sepi

Totally dumb today..New work, new environment makes me sick and SUCK!!! Sometime, stay the same not remain forever

I ‘m thinking maybe the silliest thing I‘ve ever thought could be the greatest experience I’ve ever gained in my life.I realized that complaints for the thing I might not be happy to work out with , was so terrible yet zealously hated to think about . I may not be a perfect enough to helm the way of life would be like but I keen to be the person who knows to Thank to Allah s.wt for anything that He gave to me. Sorry might be the last word I would say but honestly, from the deepest of my heart I sincerely mean it. SORRY!!

Since these few days, I completely had no idea of who I supposed to be? I was not happy yet felt so useless of being ZALYA ABDUL RASHID. Were there any other chances of me to change? My face, my eyes, doesn’t show how energetic I was and how eager I am to start work and be the part with the officemate doing some task for our company either. I’ve been so pathetic human in the world and I swear I don’t want to be like this anymore so please..Please..Please and please change ZALYA ABDUL RASHID.
Hati Menangis Sepi..

A Story from Brunei


Aku sebenarnya mmg agak susah nak cerita segala hal yg melibatkan personal atau kerja..I'm not that type of person who likes 2 reveal every single thing on public. But since perkerjaan yg menuntut untk merantau jauh drpd family and kawan2 rapat so aku decided 2 tell the whole story via my blog. Don't get me wrong...bukan nk menunjuk2 ak dpt keje oversea or watsoever..Cuma nk mendekatkan diri pada kawan2 yg jauh supaya aku tak terasa akn kejauhan itu...supaya mereka tahu memori aku msh tajam ingatan utk mereka smua..;)

Okay..cukuplah intro yg xseberapa...bercakap ttg Brunei...

Brunei is a nice country u all should visit..sebabnya..

  • Sebelum dtg ke Brunei I heard some rumours frm my collouge telling that Brunei was jz like my hometown, Kelantan and she was absolutely correct. Memamng bnyk persamaan dgn kelantan...even bila mula2 smpai di Brunei ak xterasa pn yg aku berada di Brunei..hehe (u r lucky if u'r frm Kelantan)

    Bruneian is nice but a bit slow...mungkin sbb aku dh terbiasa dgn Kuala Lumpur yg penuh hetic & pathetic so bila tgk cara diorng buat keje and kendalikan kerja mmg agk sopan santun..mungkin persekitaran yg xmemerlukan urgency situation will make them feel okay n relax all the time...

  • Since dah 2 minggu aku kt Brunei..memang bnyk yg aku rndu ttg Malaysia..especially yg melibatkan makanan...Not 2 say Brunei's food tak sedap cuma mungkin anak tekak aku nih msh belum biasa dgn makanan2 org Brunei yg pd amatan aku agak manis skit..hhuuhu (craving 2 eat petai jeruk...). .Got 1 time aku teringin sgt nk makan chicken chop..memang kempunan bila dh smpai restoran aku order Chicken chop with rice..fuhhh memang meleleh air liur terbayang2 akan chicken chop 2...1 more thing u should know, di Brunei klo pegi mana2 restaurant minimum msa yg diperlukan utk dpt mkanan yg kita order is about 15 klau dh kebulur yg amat 2..sabar je lahhh...memang etika kerja diorang bersopan santun;). Ok berbalik pda cerita Chicken Chop tadi..u all nk tau x Hw's their chicken chop look like?


So...korang tau2 je lah..mcm mana mimik muka aku bila tgk makanan tu...upset!!!!...bab french fries je yg aku suka..bab ayam n nasi 2 aku memang ak xboleh taste like nasi paprik n manis..:(

  • Okay...lupakan psl makanan..kita masuk bab lain plak..psl tempat tinggal..aku tinggal kt Tutong Town..which is 15 minutes from my workplace, the place is really nice n a bit quite like my hometown in Jeli, kelantan..pukul 7 mlm memang sunyi yg amat tp aku suka sbb mengingatkan aku pd kampung aku so it does'nt t affect me at all lah!!

  • Aku tinggal 2 orng dengan senior aku kt rumah and this is a few photo bout my home...enjoy!

Living Room – actly sofa memang ada tp dh diambil utk kegunaan VIP room kt site office

My room – 100% puas hati!!!

Lagi satu yg paling aku suka ttg bilik aku adalah...................

Air Cond.....hihihihihi

  • I was completely intrigued by the acommodation provided by my company...Alhamdulillah

  • Okay..for the time being ini je lah yg aku dpt update...nnt next entry aku update psl tempat keje which involve a lot of international people ..ada mamat perancis (handsome n sweet)..Baru 2 minggu dh menggatal...hihhiihi

Oraits all, jumpa lagi..actly memang bnyk yg nk cerita tp kita jmpa next entry je lah sbb tiba2 perut ni rsa mcm lapar yg amat lorrr..nk p pekena megi sat naa...adios...

a million sorries sbb guna ayat2 yg agak berterabur dlm blog ni..

See U ...


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The truth that People might not know..

This is not so- called a confession lah tp sebenarnya this is the way I start blogging....

Honestly, it takes few times to publish this blog. I’m not enough confident to let people read my writing which I expected nobody interested 2 read what I have jotted down. All the while, I show n express my enormous of feeling toward the diaries which I called my Super bestfriend ever, ever and ever!!! .

I start writing since I was in standard 6 , (long time ago) so, mathematically almost 12 years kot aku menjalinkan ‘hubungan’ teman tp mesra ‘ ini..(ayat poyos). So, secara poyo-nya bnyklah memori-memori yg aku garapkan dlm diari 2 sepanjang aku meniti hidup sbagai seorang perempuan (ayat skema hahaha)

Lately, I totally got crushed to read people’s blog. Sangat – sangat berminat and really impressed with the way they create the story into a sweet words. How sweet klo ak bole buat mcm diorang. Masalahnye idea terlampau overflow and ayt2 aku nnt overated. Plus, aku pnye karangan either in malay or English is berterabur..nah! itulah padahnye klo xpractice lansung!!

Since ak dh terpikat dgn sorang dua blog-blog si manis yg ayt2 diorang and cerita2 d’org really2 make my eye stick on the computer 4 a long aku pn nekad lah nk wt satu blog which I pretend to publish my blog to others w/pn diasak berkali-kali oleh cik umie aida tp disebabkn sifat malu yg menebal plus not confident at all 2 b published and pretty sure dat nobody interested 2 read my writings*sigh*

Why do people love blogging?

It seems like we voice out everything and left 2 the audience 2 make a judgment or cynical comments. Some comments barely good 4 us but some r not. Dependent on us 2 realize hw good the matters r jotted down in our blog and hw mature our writing which can reflect the ‘mature; comments as well. Let the mind talks and I blv great mind discuss ideas and bad mind discuss people.

Blog aku ni sekadar picisan saje..lebih sekadar utk menulis rasa hati melalui kata2 yg boleh dianggap 'suara hati' ttg perasan, emosi yg pelbagai... wassalam

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bila Orang Suka Bercakap Tentang....

Kalau Lambat Kahwin Dikatakan Memilih,
Kalau Cepat Kahwin dikatakan takut tak dipilh

Kalau Cantik Rupa Dikatakan Hasil Kosmetik,
Kalah buruk Rupa dikatakan Bersifat Plastik,

Kalau bekereta Besar dikatakan Kaya Raya,
Kalau berbasikal tua dikatakan papa kedana,

Kalau bertudung litup dikatakan solehah
Kalau b'pakaian seksi dikatakan jiwa murah,

Kalau belajar tinggi pasti b'kerjaya hebat,
Kalau belajar setakat PMR hanya merempat,

Mentaliti sesetengah fikiran orang kita,
Berlagak Moden berakal paleolitik,
Becakap berkiblatkan satu rasa,
Tanpa peduli pada jiwa yang dijentik..

Maaf pada yang terasa,
Aku hanya manusia biasa
Tak pandai tp tak bodoh,
Tak cantik tapi tak hodoh

Cuma berkarya secara logik minda...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Emosi Yang Bisu Pada Hati Yang Perlu

Lelaki itu,..
Tika bersua muka..
Tajam Lirikan Matanya,
Menyoal Minda Pada Yang Rasa,

Gadis Itu..
Rupa Biasa Manis Ada,
Lagak Tenang berakar Malu,
Kecil Molek Tebal Sifat Melayu

Dua Insan Itu...
Bicara Dalam Bisu,
Meneka Dalam Ragu,
Rahsia Hati Allah yang Tahu..

Cinta Setangkai Ranting dan Sebatang Pohon

Suatu ketika Plato berbicara dengan gurunya.
Plato bertanyakan makna cinta dan gurunya menjawab "masuklah ke dalam hutan, pilih dan
ambillah satu batang ranting yang bagimu paling baik,tetapi engkau haruslah berjalan ke depan dan jangan kembali ke belakang.
Bila kamu sudah memutuskan pilihanmu maka keluarlah dari hutan bersama ranting tersebut"...
maka Plato masuk ke dalam hutan tetapi keluar tanpa sebarang ranting di tangannya.
Gurunya bertanya dan Plato menjawab

"Saya sebenarnya sudah jumpa ranting yang bagus tapi saya berfikir barangkali di depan saya mungkin ada lagi ranting yang lebih baik. Tetapi bila saya berjalan ke depan ternyata ranting yang saya tinggalkan tadi adalah yang terbaik. Maka saya keluar dari hutan tanpa membawa sebarang ranting".

Guru itupun berkata 'ITULAH CINTA'

Plato bertanya gurunya lagi apakah itu perkahwinan.
Gurunya menjawab " samalah seperti ranting tadi tapi kali ini kamu haruslah membawa satu pohon yang kau fikir paling baik dan bawalah ia keluar dari hutan itu..
maka masuklah Plato ke dalam hutan itu dan keluarlah Plato dengan membawa pohon yang tidak terlalu tinggi juga tidak terlalu indah.
Gurunya bertanya dan Plato menjawab

"saya telah jumpa pohon yang indah daunya, besar batangya tetapi saya tidak dapat memotongnya dan tentulah saya tidak mampu membawanya keluar akhirnya saya tinggalkanya.Kemudian saya terjumpa pohon yang tidak terlalu buruk juga tidak terlalu tinggi dan saya fikir mampu membawanya kerana mungkin saya tidak jumpa pohon seperti ini di depan sana. Akhirnya saya pilih pohon ini kerna saya yakin mampu merawat dan menjadikanya indah".

Lalu guru itu berkata "ITULAH PERKAHWINAN".

Kesimpulannya... Mungkin terdapat banyak pilihan di depan kita seperti pohon-pohon beserta rantingnya di dalam hutan, tetapi pilihan yang tepat itu hanya satu sahaja dan bila terlalu memilih tiada satu pun yang kita dapat. Kerana kesempatan itu hanya datang sekali sahaja dan masa itu tidak pernah berjalan ke belakang...


Dia yg bernama sunyi..

I was on my workplace (sunny day) when sum1 who might be unknown 4 u but well-known 4 me sms-ed me that she was soo lonely..I was wondering n thinking...did she feel like no one else 2 talk n hang out with???

And I was thnking..kept thinking till I realized that....

Nowadays,we hv taller buildings but a shorter temper,
wider freeways but narrower viewpoints,
spending more but having less,
buy more but enjoy it less!!
More knowledge, less judgement,
Talk too much , love too seldom,l
augh too little, drive too fast,
get too angry quickly
stay up late, get up tired,
read too little, watch TV too much and pray too seldom!

So ape kaitannye dengan 'POEM" di atas dgn kwn sy yg kesunyian itu?..It's simple..All I wanna say is:

Sometimes our heart get tangled and our souls a little Off-kilter. Friends and family can set us right and help us guide back to the light. (^ ^ )

Do Apprecciate them!!!
Life is short .Yet too much time ,
we don't have the moment to sit, think, ponder, wonder and reflect.
In many time, the evolution of our past 2 our present and our future is dependent on the period of precious moments we take carefully reflect and think about and what we want and need in life.
Certain moments are meant 2 b celebrated and preserved.
Some memories are indeed essential to be cherished, others are vital for us 2 learn n grow from.

..... Jz take a few minutes ( 1 minute only lah!) 2 stop and reflect, often moments like these will bring us through a precious journey, helping us 2 appreciate, teaching us 2 smile, acknowledges our accomplishments, bringing our motivation, highlight our success, bringing us much amazement and cost us nothing but a mere second of time. .....

Thoughts give birth 2 vision n dreams, thoughts are capable of changing our lives, who u are and brings out the best from within.
Thoughts help us change our world and make a diffrence life. (So, hv u been reflecting on ur life lately??)..hahaha kesimpulanya...... Life is short. Seize every moment we can gain out of it. Lest ur live in regrets of not having any time 2 slow down, stop n jz reflect!!!

* ape la yg ak merapu - merabang ni..i sound silly when i speak english(oopss!!)
Merenungi diri ini 12 tahun lepas ,sama sekali tidak membayangkan apa yg bakal aku tempuhi 12 tahun akn datang ( ye lah msa tu bru umur 13 thun msih xtau pe2 psl future planning in fact, msih mentah tuk merencana msa depan)

Hari ini.....
Syukur Alhamdulillah..ak xmahu mendabik dada jauh sekali hendak bermegah dengan apa yg ak perolehi skng ni. Namun ak sgt2 bersyukur atas kurniaan Rezeki Allah s.w.t padaku tika ini memandangkan masa kecil - kecil ak lnsung xm'bayangkan ak akn jd seperti hr ini (Maklumlah cita-cita asl nk jd pnyanyi..kuakuakua-tipulah! cita2 asl ak sbnrnya nk jd DOCTOR..hihihi tp slalu berangan nk jd spt Wan Zaleha Radzi TV3 tu..ngih ngih ngih)

Dalam usia 25 tahun ini...
separuh cita-citaku sudah terlaksana...syukran ya Rabbi Seperkara yg aku ingat.... Aku adalah seorang gadis kampung yg naif merantau ke bandar besar untuk menimba ilmu seterusnya menggadaikan segala keberanian dan kecekalan serta bersandarkan berkat doa ibubapa untuk mncari rzeki halal di bumi Allah s.w.t ini..

Namun sebenarnya....

Jika dihitung kejayaan seciput yg ak ada sekarang ni amatlah jauh sekali jika hndak dibandingkan dengan segelintir manusia yg telah b'ganda2 mncapai kejayaan dlm hidup mereka namun ak percaya ukuran kejayaan sesorang bkn terletak pd harta ataupn pangkat tapi drpd kesucian hati dan kebersihan jiwa maka tercetuslah kejayaan dunia dan akhirat yg hakiki..stick in mind " To cultivate urself morally, put our heart at the right place n b sincere"

Hakikatnya... Jika dinilai pengalamanku ini memang tak sesukar ibubapaku namun berbekalkn kekuatan serta semangat merekalh menjadikan ak tabah spt hr ini.

*They ' r evrything 4 idol, my soul, my love (Oopps!! bkn jiwang ok tp sgt touching!..cant' xplain by words)
*They r the people i can't live without!
*They r nver fail and gv up 2 advise me..(seriously!!ak bnyk wt mreka kecewa:(

For the sake of the above reasons..mind 2 say that...apa jua yg aku lakukan di muka bumi ini..niatku hnya satu..MEMBAHAGIAKAN IBUBAPAKU! (huhuhu..emotionals r so conjures up an enormous of feeling toward the reaction)



Aku mengenali diriku sbg seorang yg sgt pemalu (disagree?? shut ur mouth)..
seperkara yg ak amat kenali diriku adlh ak membiarkan perwatakan dan pemikiranku dipandang misteri oleh sebilangan besar sahabat - sahabat baikku.
Aku menjadikan hatiku sebagai lubuk emas segala -rahsia yg tersimpan rapi dalam memoriku.
Aku x mudah memberi jauh sekali senang menerima namun hatiku bkn sekeras kerikil untuk didekati.
Keluarga adalah jantung dan nadiku, kawan- kawan adalah nafasku..setiap kali membuka mata, menarik nafas pagiku aku ingin mereka sentiasa di sisiku menjadikan ak sedar aku dikelilingi oleh orang2 tersayang sepanjang masa.
Dan jauh di sudut hatiku..
aku ingin mereka tahu berapa lama atau dekad aku terpisah dan x bersua muka namun percayalah tiada sedetik pn aku x mengingati mereka...
Sentiasa diingati....

Efia Fida
Nurul Ainie
Afizaa Abdullah
Nurul Hidayat
Permulaan persekolahanku mengenal kamu semua adalah detik paling manis dalam hidupku

Wan Masasma
Durrani Nadira
Nur Ellina Mohamad Salin
Zubaidah Husin
Noorazlina Abdul Rashid
Marzueen aziah Kakwani
Fadzlin Ismail

5 Tahun bersama kalian menceriakan hariku dan menambah warna dlm hidupku serta menjadikn ia memori manis bagiku

Emillia Aida
Nur Sabrina Azmi
Nurul Huda
Hafiza Hadi
Nity Azidah
Fifi Dona
Nora Azila

Kamu semua adalah pelengkap 'puzzle' persabatanku

Honestly..this is not so - called a confession but i really2 mean it!!
Friend and friendship are the package of feeling, Nobody can delete it or erase it..Only we can feel it
Hv a nice day and I'm truly loves and miss u much much & much